* the excitement of exploration *
*learning where we live in the cosmos *
* the appreciation of our Earth as the most valuable place in the vastness of space *
... but also learning how to use the equipment and sharing mistakes and lessons learned with others ...

My favorite place for star gazing: on la Isla Bonita, La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain),  el  Mirador Astronómico Llano del Jable
at 1.350m above sea level. View to the north to the caldera of La Taburiente
and the Roque de los Muchachos, home of the Grand Canary Telescopes GRANTECAN


To see the latest image updates from November 2023 on the island of La Palma, please have a look at StarImageLogo

Member of the Planetary Society   and   Förderkreis Planetarium Göttingen please join!
Please also check out the very inspiring site

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