Star Guest Book  

 Latest 20 Guest Book Entries: 8 

2022-11-22 15:01:32 Andreas D. from: DE wrote: Hallo Ralph, das sind wirklich tolle Bilder!

2022-09-20 01:05:30 Manfred Niedenthal from: AR wrote: Hallo Ralph. Sind ja ganz fabelhafte Bilder!!Grüße aus Olivos,Argentinien

2022-08-05 17:44:43 Mat Kaplan - Planetary Society from: US wrote: Keep up the great work, Ralph. Ad astra!

2022-07-25 23:14:14 Lena from: DE wrote: Hallo Ralph, tolle Bilder sind das. Wahnsinn, was man sogar in Göttingen alles sehen kann. Liebe Grüße aus Hannover ????

2022-06-23 09:25:59 Pascal from: DE wrote: Hi Ralph, great website and stunning photographs! Keep up the good work :) Best, Pascal

2022-06-13 11:25:04 Ralph from: DE wrote: Testing the IP and CC functions

2022-06-12 20:40:17 Ralph from: US wrote: Testing the email function...

2022-06-12 11:07:21 Ralph from: US wrote: Hi everyone, I just started to implement a very simple guestbook to give you an easy way to leave feedback, which I would very much appreciate!